2023-02-25 - Fuel Surge Tank Location
We are currently evaluating the addition of a fuel surge tank. To avoid installation inside the driver compartment, and with limited undercarriage space to safely tuck, we are considering a last resort of installing in the vacated battery tray area of the passenger side engine bay near firewall. Complying with the 2L (0.5 gal) max size, we are looking at some of the higher end / thicker wall devices including Radium. Would this be acceptable from a rules perspective and any special considerations towards safety you would consider?
Tech and TAC has talked this over and we feel that it is not wise to allow an additional 2 Liters of fuel in the same compartment as hot exhaust and lots of sparky stuff. We have had lines, connections, & tanks fail in the past so that placement is a no. We cannot have a rule that states where to put it as different cars have varying engine locations Front, Mid, & Rear. But we can say no surge tanks in the engine bay. Wherever you put it stay away from and over top of the exhaust.
Verified 7-9-24 by Tech