ChampCar Rules and Regulations

How to use the links below
“The Basics” are the rules. These are the essential safety items and the procedures ChampCar uses to access the race car you have chosen.
“Standard Race Car Entry Paperwork” is for racers entering a race car with very few mods. You have the stock engine, the stock transmission, and the stock rear diff—super easy paperwork.
“Swapped Race Car Entry Paperwork” is for the racers who have replaced their drivetrains with engines from a different car, like a Chevy V8 in a Mazda Miata. They have a bit more paperwork to do.
“Miscellaneous Paperwork”, need to protest that Chevy V8 Miata? Start here with the paperwork.
“3D Roll Cage Sample”, we have included a 3D roll cage sample to get you moving in the right direction at fabricating up a legal roll cage.
Here are the basic rules:
Not including the required safety equipment, you will need – A vehicle that is listed on our VPI list, a roll-cage, window net, racing seat, certified racing harness, a certified onboard fire-suppression system, a master power-off switch, and the steering wheel lock removed.
What does that even mean? ChampCar uses a points-based system to value race cars. Each make/model is assigned a specific base point value. Performance items- shocks, springs, engine modifications, etc. are given additional points. Your car’s total point value cannot exceed 500 points (see the rules for how to do this). ChampCar uses this point-based system to control the cost required for a team to go racing.
Strip out the interior and take out all the glass, except the windshield. Remove the steering wheel lock. Install the roll cage, seat, fire-suppression system, and harness. Add the ChampCar number and sponsor panels, and you have just created a race car. Okay, so there’s more to it than that, but not much. Read the rules to fill in the blanks.
ChampCar has various race formats, but they generally range from 7 to 24 hours. You’ll need a minimum of two drivers for most events, and it’s wise to have a couple of crew guys as part of the team. Get people on your team that knows what end of a screwdriver to use and can think clearly at 3:19 am when a wheel bearing starts to disintegrate. You'll be docked laps if you cheat or screw up or both. If you come to Tech Inspection with a car that’s worth 1,500 points, plan on starting the race about 100 laps down from everyone else. You can still run in the race, and you’ll have a great time, but at that point, you’ll only have photos to show for it.
Tech Questions:
Use our Tech Help Desk. We will no longer be using email to answer any tech questions. The new Tech Help Desk will have oversight by our TAC and the BOD. All questions and answers will use this new system.
BOD, Rules, and Committees
The BCCR is the responsibility of the Board of Directors. Click here for the BCCR update and petition process. Information about BOD committees is also on the ChumpCar International, Inc., BOD web page
Rules and Forms
The Basics - The BCCR
- 2025 Basic Club and Competition Rules (BCCR) v1.0.1. Effective 1/1/2025
- 2025 BCCR v1.0.1. Change Log
- ChampCar Number and Sponsor Panel Installation Instruction Sheet
- Flagtronics Quick Install Instructions
- Flagtronics FT200 Full Manual
- Order a FlagTronics Electronic Flagging System
Standard Race Car Entry Work Sheets – 2025
Swapped Race Car Entry Paperwork – 2025
VPI Lookup
Vehicle Performance Index
VPI Raw Data File
!For Research Only!
The following Microsoft XLSX file is for research only and is not considered the official VPI / VPI Swap calculators. They are for research only. You must use the online calculators in the above links for your swap paperwork.
Miscellaneous Paperwork
SFI Foundation, Inc. Member
ChampCar Endurance Series is a Santioning Body Member of the SFI Foundation, Inc. ChampCar utilizes SFI Specifications within its rulebook.Manufacturer Contingencies
Mazda - Mazda Motorsports Contingency Awards Program - Mazda Results Page
Nissan - Nissan Motorsports Racer Support Program
Flagtronics In-Car Flagging System
Starting June 1, 2022, the Flagtronics in-car flagging system will be required in all ChampCar racing cars. You can purchase the units at
Helpful Links
Links may expire, email if you find dead hyperlinks.
For cars with glass windows, this approved safety window film can be installed onto the glass. ie – Miata/MR2 Spyder hardtop rear glass. We are told that this is an Internet Order only.
Fire Block RTV and spray foam for those firewall gaps.
Sheet plastic and crash repair kits.
Carbon Fiber scraps (legal for driver comfort use) – great for making interior components, dash, and switch panels.
ChampCar BCCR petition form -
Do you still have questions? Please make certain that you have read the BCCR as most questions are answered in the rules book. Submit a Tech Desk Ticket at
Get help from racers like you on the community forum.
Due dates
As ChampCar is a business, we have some important business deadlines that have to be met so that we can best serve our membership.
The following deadline dates have been set by the ChampCar Endurance Series Board of Directors.
updated March 13,2021 by WDS
- BCCR and Board terms begin: January 1st
- Member rule change petitions due to us: February 28
- VPI Q1: March 31st
- Member rule change petitions summary due to members for comment: March 31
- Member rule change petitions comments due back to Board: April 30th
- ChumpCar International financials due: April 30
- VPI Q2: June 30th
- Annual board of directors meeting: varies
- Next Years BCCR published: September 1st
- VPI Q3 and Board seat nominations due: September 30
- New event schedule due: October 1
- Next Years VPI published: October 1
- Board of directors seat election begins: November 1
- Board of directors seats announced: December 15th
- VPI Q4: December 31
ChampCar/ChumpCar BCR/BCCR Rules Archive
Looking for what it was like in the olden days of affordable endurance racing? Well, here ya go. These are not meant to be used to build a car and are only uploaded for fun and amusement. The 2014-2016 BCR was made to try and control the changes that were happening in our sport. It kinda worked, but a new BCR was released in 2015 to address safety issues and some other performance issues.