2020-02-27 - Engine Swap Oil Pan
In regards to Rule 4.5.3:
"Engine swaps include stock long block, stock exhaust manifolds, stock induction system, motor mounts, starter, ECU, wiring, and transmission adapters"
This rule makes no mention of the oil pan.
Question 1: How many points is it to run an aftermarket oil pan that aids in the packaging of the swapped engine?
Question 2: How many points is it to fabricate an oil pan that aids in the packaging of the swapped engine? I assume it would be material points only.
An aftermarket oil pan is 25 points. 20 points 15 points
Fabricated is materials cost.
If you can prove that the oil pan modification is necessary for the swap it may be included on the swap sheet under cost.
Submit your complete swap details for review by Tech.
Updated 2024-7-16
We are looking to swap in a Ford Duratec 2.5 in to our NB Miata out of a Ford Fusion. The engine in it's transverse form has an oil pan sump that runs the full length of the engine and this is not suitable due to crossmember and steering rack interference. Can we run a stock OEM oil pan out of a Ford Ranger or an NC Mazda Miata for no points, as either is effectively a "rear sump" style pan if we include it in the cost breakdown?
If the pan on your swap engine will not work in the chassis you have, you are allowed to use an oil pan that will make it fit. Provide documentation of the fitment problem and yes it must be included in the price cap.
Verified by TECH 7-16-24